Conference registration closes October 7

There’s still time for you to register here.

Living Hope International Ministries

Why the end of October 7 deadline? Because on October 8 we need to give our caterer a head-count. (Yes, the price of admission includes two dinners and a lunch, plus snacks and drinks!)

Atlanta Bible College

In recent days the Board and our wonderful conference coordinator Stacey have been tweaking the schedule and making sure we have all the right safety and audiovisual equipment. The speakers are putting the final touches on their cutting-edge presentations, and host Mark Cain has been honing his knock-knock jokes.

We’re very blessed this year to have an incredible line-up of unitarian Christian ministries serving as Conference Partners. By their generosity, we’re able to keep costs low for everyone and to help those to attend who would otherwise find the cost prohibitive. Stay tuned for some upcoming blog posts highlighting our 2021 Conference Partners.

Allegiance to the King

You can meet these amazing people at the conference at their tables at the back of the room and find out what they are doing to advance the cause of Christ in today’s world and how you can be a part of it.

Many will have books or other materials for sale and their table, and there will also be a book raffle, with all attendees receiving tickets to play with.

This year’s Conference Partners include: Allegiance to the King, Atlanta Bible College, Spirit and Truth, Living Hope International Ministries, Williamsburg Christadelphian Foundation,, 21st Century Reformation Online, and the trinities podcast.

Hope to meet you or see you again there!

– Dale Tuggy, UCA Board Chair