Save the date: UCA Conference 2024!

Conference Preview Video

The UCA Board is pleased to announce that our fourth annual conference will be at the Vines Center in Little Rock, Arkansas, October 17-20, 2024! Registration will open in the coming weeks!

The conference will be all inclusive (connect, eat, sleep, repeat!) so show up Thursday afternoon, October 17, 2024, and settle in for the teaching, networking, and fellowship, till checkout after breakfast Sunday morning, October 20.

The venue has great meeting spaces; look at the comfy seats in the auditorium and the breakout rooms for workshops!

Sleeping accommodations are onsite: choose at registration for single occupancy, double, or triple if you want to save some money and room with new or old friends!

Their food gets rave reviews: 3 square meals a day, plus cinnamon rolls for brunch, popcorn for mid afternoons, and 24 hour beverage service if you need some caffeine to keep focused. (Post-conference diet plan not included.)

There will be plenty of room to relax and fellowship. I can’t decide if I want dibs on the firepit by the lake or the comfy couches more.

Their grounds are beautiful, quiet, and should probably have some fall colors.

The trip from the Little Rock airport to the conference center is about 30 minutes; we’re looking into shuttle ideas – stay tuned . . .

Last year, attendees had the opportunity to attend church on Sunday at one of the unitarian Christian groups in the area. It was a positive experience for many, and it will be an option again this year.

Watch this space for coming announcements about submitting a scholarly paper or an idea for a practical workshop to be considered for inclusion in the program.

Registration will be announced here, and also via the UCA Facebook Group, so stay tuned!

We can’t wait to see you there!

Sean Finnegan – The Deity of Christ from a Greco-Roman Perspective

In a paper presentation at the 2023 UCA Conference, Pastor Sean Finnegan addresses the deity of Christ within a Greco-Roman worldview. When early Christian authors called Jesus “god” (or “God”) what did they mean? Did early Christians think Jesus was God because he represented Yahweh? Did they think he was God because he shared the same eternal being as the Father? Did they think he was a god because that’s just what they would call any immortalized human who lived in heaven? In this presentation Finnegan focuses on the question from the perspective of Greco-Roman theologies. Drawing on the work of David Litwa, Andrew Perriman, Barry Blackburn, and tons of ancient sources he shows how Mediterranean converts to Christianity would have perceived Jesus based on their cultural and religious assumptions.

See more presentations from the 2023 UCA Conference.

Registration is OPEN! UCA Conference: October 19-21, 2023

Tickets are NOW AVAILABLE for the third annual UCA Conference, in Springfield, Ohio, October 19-21, 2023!

You can register right HERE, right now!

The UCA Conference planning committee and the UCA Board of Directors have been hard at work bringing to life what is set to be a spectacular event full of fellowship, food, and teaching! This year, you’ll get the opportunity to network with like-minded believers; to learn about new ministries, projects, and opportunities; to be challenged by insightful academic presentations; and to be enriched by a variety of topical workshops hosted by Unitarian Christians from all over!

Please visit the Conference page for information and to register right away! And if you have contributed financially to the UCA, please use code “contributor” at checkout for a discount!

We can’t wait to see YOU in Springfield, Ohio this October 19-21!

Jesus is YHWH? – UCA team debate featuring Dustin Smith and William Barlow

Tune in April 2, Sunday night at 7pm CST for our very own Dr. Dustin Smith and Pastor William Barlow defending unitarianism and the true humanity of Jesus in a debate on the Gospel Truth youtube channel.

You can support our debaters by sharing the link widely on social media, watching live, winsomely participating in the youtube chat, and reaching out to encourage Dustin and Will. Please pray for God’s provision for all involved, and that the debate will contribute to the spread of the truth about the one true God, and the human Christ Jesus.

If you would like to participate in future debates, as debater, pit crew, behind the scenes support, or in other ways, please contact me at Many hands make light work, and there is a massive work to be done indeed!

For more of Dr. Smith’s work, check out his Biblical Unitarian Podcast

And for more from Pastor Barlow, I recommend this series on Scripture and Science:

UCA Fundraising Request

Thank you UCA members for a great 2022! As the year ends, and you consider you charitable giving, would you prayerfully consider contributing to the UCA?

Your donations allow us to spread unitarian theology, and connect unitarian Christians, by putting on a yearly conference, hosting the UCA website, publishing unitarian works, producing the UCA Podcast, making unitarian apologetics videos, and more. The Christian world needs the truth we unitarians have to offer, and your generous donations make that possible!

To donate, or make changes to your current giving, go to the donate page on the UCA website, and click the Donate Now button.

You can set any monthly or one time amount. We value all donations, including the proverbial widow’s mite. We give thanks for donations of $10/month or greater, by identifying you as a UCA Partner, who receives a free yearly gift from us, as well as a discount to our yearly conference.

And in December of 2022 and January of 2023 we have a generous benefactor, The Grace Fund, who will match your giving – so your monthly or one-time gift will have double the impact! Your $100 will become $200, or your monthly $10 will for the first year be multiplied to $20 a month. If God has blessed you financially and you would consider donating more, either once or monthly, this would be a great time to do it.

The Grace Fund, a charitable equity foundation serving as a multi-generational granting mechanism for unitarian Christian churches and ministries, has already donated generously to unitarian bible translation projects and other unitarian ministry efforts, and we’re all looking forward to watching how the Grace Fund continues to help unitarian Christian ministries do big things!

Thank you again to The Grace Fund for partnering with the UCA, and thank you to all of the UCA members. The year 2023 promises to be fruitful for the unitarian movement because of you!

Trinities Podcast: 2022 UCA Conference Partner

If it wasn’t for our next Conference Partner, I might not be a unitarian Christian. The blog and the Trinities Podcast by Dr. Dale Tuggy were my crash course in all things Trinity, and conversely, a light for my path to unitarianism. I am certain I am not the only one with this experience, as Dale’s youtube channel alone has over 22 thousand subscribers.

The last year of the podcast has had plenty of “don’t miss” episodes, including:

The dialog I never thought would happen! Dr. Tuggy goes head to head with William Lane Craig!

A flip the script interview of Dr. Tuggy by Dr. Randal Rouser

And a hard hitting two part (Part 1 and Part 2) examination of the problems with the Trinity by a self identifying trinitarian, Dr. Steven Nemes

The Podcast is now up over 350 episodes chock full of analytic theological goodness, with interviews of the world’s top scholars on the topic, and Dr. Tuggy’s razor sharp analysis of competing Trinity theories.

The podcast also includes interviews with leading modern day unitarian voices, reviews of classic unitarian works, and examination of important relevant texts from early church history. If you want to be able to understand and challenge the best case Trinitarians (both ancient and recent) put forward, the Trinities podcast is your training ground.

You can also come share your own favorite episodes, and mix it up with his guests and and fans on the Trinities Facebook group. It isn’t for the faint of heart, but I can attest to it being a great place to test your views and connect with serious thinkers on the subject.

The UCA is proud to have Dr. Dale Tuggy serving as Chairman of the Board, to have him presenting at the Conference, and I am very proud to call him my friend.

Trinities Podcast

If it wasn’t for our next Conference Partner, I might not be a unitarian Christian. The blog and the Trinities Podcast by Dr. Dale Tuggy were my crash course in all things Trinity, and conversely, a light for my path to unitarianism. I am certain I am not the only one with this experience, as Dale’s youtube channel alone has over 22 thousand subscribers.

The Podcast is now up over 300 episodes chock full of analytic theological goodness, with interviews of the world’s top scholars on the topic, and Dr. Tuggy’s razor sharp analysis of competing Trinity theories.

The podcast also includes interviews with leading modern day unitarian voices, reviews of classic unitarian works, and examination of important relevant texts from early church history. If you want to be able to understand and challenge the best case Trinitarians (both ancient and recent) put forward, the Trinities podcast is your training ground.

You can also come share your own favorite episodes, and mix it up with his guests and and fans on the Trinities Facebook group. It isn’t for the faint of heart, but I can attest to it being a great place to test your views and connect with serious thinkers on the subject.

The UCA is proud to have Dr. Dale Tuggy serving as Chairman of the Board, to have him presenting at the Conference, and I am very proud to call him my friend.

If you haven’t binged all 300+ podcasts, below are my top 11 (yep, couldn’t get down to 10, so I am cheating) favorite episodes to get you started!

Podcast 22 – A cure for odium theologicum

Podcast 58 – We can’t prove the Trinity by reason alone

Podcast 231 – Swinburne’s Social Theory of the Trinity

Podcast 232- Trinity Club Orientation

Podcast 73 – Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho

Podcast 124 – A challenge to Jesus is God apologists

Podcast 145 – Tis Mystery All the Immortal Dies

Podcast 164 – On Counting Gods

Podcast 189 – The unfinished business of the Reformation

Podcast 270 – Origen’s “one God”

Podcast 334 – “Who do you say I am?”

21st Century Reformation

21st Century Reformation is a Christian ministry which is dedicated to the Father himself as the only one who is truly God, and to Jesus, not as God, but as the Messiah – the Christ of God (John 17:3). In doing this, 21st CR brings together some of the best in videos, audios and writings by people from around the world who believe that God is truly one.

Husband and wife team Dan and Sharon Gill truly are “helping people to receive the ‘One God Message’ around the world.” If you haven’t heard their testimony about studying themselves out of Oneness Pentecostalism and into unitarian “one God” belief, take a moment to read their story. Hopefully it will make your day as it did mine.

And if you haven’t visited their refreshed website, you are missing out! It is beautiful, and absolutely packed with content. There are sections on:

Additionally, make sure to subscribe to the 21stCR youtube channel, which features a great cross section of collected unitarian material, and is constantly adding new content!

The UCA is very grateful for the Conference Partnership of 21stCR, and proud to be working arm in arm with them, in their mission to continue the Reformation in the 21st century.