Dale Tuggy – Chairman
Dale Tuggy (PhD, Brown University) is the author of What is the Trinity? He taught at the State University of New York from 2000 until 2018. The host and producer of the trinities podcast since 2013, he has published peer-reviewed papers and book chapters in analytic theology and philosophy of religion. He lives in middle Tennessee with his wife and children, where they attend Kingdom Gospel Church.

Kegan A. Chandler – Vice Chair
Kegan Chandler (PhD, University of Cape Town) is a researcher in the Department for the Study of Religions at the University of Cape Town. He holds a PhD in Religious Studies from the University of Cape Town and a Master of Theology degree from the Campbellsville University School of Theology. He is the author of several books and articles about theology and church history, including The God of Jesus in Light of Christian Dogma (2016) and Constantine and the Divine: The Imperial Quest for Primitive Monotheism (2019), and has served as an adjunct instructor at Atlanta Bible College. He currently lives with his wife and sons in Houston, Texas, where he has led a Unitarian Christian house church since 2015.

Mark Cain – Secretary
Mark Cain has a BA in Theology from Atlanta Bible College and a BS in Computer Science from Cleveland State University. He works in a medical software company as the Privacy Officer. Mark serves in several roles at the Church of the Open Bible in Bedford, Ohio, where he attends with his wife and sons. Mark is the host of the Unitarian Christian Alliance podcast.

Leah Anderson – Treasurer
Leah Anderson has studied Organizational Leadership at Regent University in Virginia Beach and owns her own neighborhood magazine franchise in Richmond, Virginia with her photographer husband where they are part of the Richmond Chapel Christadelphian ecclesia. Having mentored under her father, a lifetime Biblical scholar, teacher, and 6th generation Christadelphian, she has always had a passion to reach others with the good news about Jesus and the kingdom of God! She loves to see the potential in both adults and children and help them connect to the Scriptures and to others who can help them grow in Christ.

Sean Finnegan
Sean Finnegan is the president of Living Hope International Ministries (lhim.org), a biblical unitarian network of churches and fellowships. He’s also the host of Restitutio (restitutio.org), a weekly podcast focused on restoring authentic Christianity. He lives in the Albany-area of New York with his beautiful and talented wife, Ruth, and their four boys. He holds an MTS in Early Christian History from Boston University, a BA in Theology from Atlanta Bible College, and a BS in Computer Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.