The Board of the Unitarian Christian Alliance is pleased to announce a general call for papers to be presented at the second annual UCA conference in Springfield, Ohio, October 14 – 16, 2022. (Watch this blog for the opening of registration.)
- The submission deadline is the end of the day (U.S. Eastern Standard / New York time) of July 1, 2022.
- Submissions will be blind-reviewed by a committee of three.
- We are looking for scholarly (or at least: informed, insightful, and well-argued) papers which are also accessible to an educated lay audience on topics which can advance the cause of unitarian Christianity.
- Topics may include but are not limited to: biblical theology, systematic theology, biblical studies, textual criticism, history of theology, history of unitarian Christianity, apologetics, Christian philosophy, analytic theology.
- Authors may submit even if they are neither a member of the UCA nor a unitarian Christian.
- Paper submissions should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style (Notes and Bibliography style, with footnotes and bibliography).
- The main text should be no longer than 6,000 words, so that the presentation is no longer than 45 minutes.
- Submitted papers longer than 6,000 (in the main text – so not including footnotes) will be automatically rejected.
- Authors should plan on about 10 minutes of audience Q&A after their talk.
- Papers may be read, although authors are encouraged to present the material in an engaging way.
- Conference presentations will be video-recorded and may be posted on the UCA YouTube channel, and our social media committee may also snip out interesting “sound bites” for short videos.
- By submitting a paper, you agree that your presentation may be filmed and used in these ways by the UCA.
- Still, a fully written paper must be submitted; an outline or proposal is not enough.
- Authors of accepted papers will be expected to supply a PowerPoint or Keynote or Google Slides (etc.) presentation to accompany their talk by the end of Thursday, September 15, 2022. (This should be emailed to the address below.)
- After removing any self-identifying features (e.g. your name, references to your other publications or other work), please email your submission to conference@unitarianchristianalliance.org.
- Our conference coordinator will ensure that the papers are suitable for blind review and then pass them on to the committee.
- Results will be emailed to authors by the end of Friday, July 15, 2022.