Workshops! Participate in the Planning for UCA Conference 2024 (USA)

If you have an idea for a workshop or are interested in presenting one, please review the following:

Workshops are designed to complement the theological presentations. They are intended to be practical and interactive, and are aligned with the “connecting with others” aspect of the UCA mission. Having meaningful dialog among a group is a way to learn about each other and make new connections. A lecture results in you getting to know the lecturer, but a topic that creates lots of discussion means you get to know a dozen people in the room. Workshops give us the opportunity to put unitarian thought into action.

Workshops are designed to be in a different format than the paper presentations to holistically round out the conference and participants’ needs. So, we have opted for a clear demarcation between these two types of sessions.  Paper presentations are theological, scholarly, detailed lectures, with a Q&A at the end to dig in. The workshops are designed to facilitate discussions. They could be run by an individual, a team, or a panel.

To make workshops as broadly useful as we can, we are favoring topics that are practical, like tools, skills, or building more connections. Some examples of past workshops include homeschooling, interpersonal conflict, deconstruction of faith, and running online church groups.

If you have a workshop idea that fits the above guidelines or the ability to present a workshop, please submit your idea to Laura Willenburg, our workshop coordinator, using the email: Please provide a detailed explanation of the topic and some possible points of discussion for the session.

Thank you for making the workshops a valuable part of the UCA conference experience!

Jesus is YHWH? – UCA team debate featuring Dustin Smith and William Barlow

Tune in April 2, Sunday night at 7pm CST for our very own Dr. Dustin Smith and Pastor William Barlow defending unitarianism and the true humanity of Jesus in a debate on the Gospel Truth youtube channel.

You can support our debaters by sharing the link widely on social media, watching live, winsomely participating in the youtube chat, and reaching out to encourage Dustin and Will. Please pray for God’s provision for all involved, and that the debate will contribute to the spread of the truth about the one true God, and the human Christ Jesus.

If you would like to participate in future debates, as debater, pit crew, behind the scenes support, or in other ways, please contact me at Many hands make light work, and there is a massive work to be done indeed!

For more of Dr. Smith’s work, check out his Biblical Unitarian Podcast

And for more from Pastor Barlow, I recommend this series on Scripture and Science:

Fundraising Success!

The UCA Board of Directors would like to extend a sincere THANK YOU to the many charitable people who supported the UCA’s fundraising initiative from last December-January. These donations, which exceeded our expectations, were generously matched by The Grace Fund, an equity foundation for unitarian Christian churches and ministries.

Each of your contributions have directly impacted the UCA’s ability to spread unitarian theology, support unitarian ministries, connect like-minded believers, and more. Be on the lookout for the new unitarian videos, publications, and public events which have been directly energized by your generosity. We have all been greatly encouraged and inspired by your vision and commitment to the cause!

Thank you again to The Grace Fund. We can’t wait to see how both the UCA and the Grace Fund continue to support the unitarian Christian movement in the years to come! If you’d like more information on how you can join the cause, please visit, and prayerfully consider becoming a UCA Partner with a donation of $10/month or greater (though even the smallest amount means so much).

Thank you again to everyone who has so generously supported this mission!


UCA Fundraising Request

Thank you UCA members for a great 2022! As the year ends, and you consider you charitable giving, would you prayerfully consider contributing to the UCA?

Your donations allow us to spread unitarian theology, and connect unitarian Christians, by putting on a yearly conference, hosting the UCA website, publishing unitarian works, producing the UCA Podcast, making unitarian apologetics videos, and more. The Christian world needs the truth we unitarians have to offer, and your generous donations make that possible!

To donate, or make changes to your current giving, go to the donate page on the UCA website, and click the Donate Now button.

You can set any monthly or one time amount. We value all donations, including the proverbial widow’s mite. We give thanks for donations of $10/month or greater, by identifying you as a UCA Partner, who receives a free yearly gift from us, as well as a discount to our yearly conference.

And in December of 2022 and January of 2023 we have a generous benefactor, The Grace Fund, who will match your giving – so your monthly or one-time gift will have double the impact! Your $100 will become $200, or your monthly $10 will for the first year be multiplied to $20 a month. If God has blessed you financially and you would consider donating more, either once or monthly, this would be a great time to do it.

The Grace Fund, a charitable equity foundation serving as a multi-generational granting mechanism for unitarian Christian churches and ministries, has already donated generously to unitarian bible translation projects and other unitarian ministry efforts, and we’re all looking forward to watching how the Grace Fund continues to help unitarian Christian ministries do big things!

Thank you again to The Grace Fund for partnering with the UCA, and thank you to all of the UCA members. The year 2023 promises to be fruitful for the unitarian movement because of you!

YahwehTV / The Grace Fund

Another Partner of the Unitarian Christian Alliance and a much-appreciated sponsor of the 2022 UCA Conference is YahwehTV!

YahwehTV is an exciting new unitarian Christian streaming platform currently in development by long-time biblical unitarian activist and friend of the UCA, Gary R. Anderson.  The channel will be accepting content submissions from unitarian churches and ministries in order to support its mission to spread the unitarian Christian message to the world.  Those familiar with the UCA’s own mission will understand why we are all excited about Gary’s vision of a 24/7 channel constantly showcasing the best unitarian Christian content online!

While at the UCA Conference this year, be sure to stop by and see Gary, who would love to gather interviews with conference-goers!  We can’t wait to see where God takes Yahweh TV in the coming years.  The channel is currently in development and is now preparing to expand to various streaming outlets. Be on the lookout for future announcements related to this exciting project!

We’d like to thank Gary also for his efforts with The Grace Fund, a charitable equity foundation serving as a multi-generational granting mechanism for unitarian Christian churches and ministries. TGF has already donated generously to unitarian bible translation projects and other unitarian ministry efforts, and we’re all looking forward to watching how the Grace Fund continues to help unitarian Christian ministries do big things!

Thank you again to Yahweh TV and The Grace Fund for partnering with the UCA to facilitate this year’s conference!

Events! Let’s Connect in 2022

Recently, my family and I hosted an event to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. And, we were blessed to invite UCA members from throughout the Northwest! During our two days together, we connected with new friends, invested in relationships, and praised God for his son, Jesus! Reflecting now, I am humbled and inspired by the diversity of age, stage, background, and beliefs at our event.

If you are looking for a way to connect with more unitarian Christians, I encourage you to consider one of the amazing events being hosted across the country in the coming months! 

You can always find a list of upcoming events, along with helpful details about each one, on the UCA events page. You can also hear about newly added events on the UCA Podcast!

Upcoming Events:

We can’t wait to meet you!

Planning to attend an event for the first time? Questions about how to register or what to expect? I would love to help you! Please feel free to contact me by visiting my profile page and using the contact form. 

Interested in planning an event? Or do you know of an event that would bless and welcome the larger UCA community? Visit the “Submitting an Event“ page for more details!

Spam, a sign of success(?)

In the last few days you may have gotten an email through the UCA “Contact” system that was suspicious. It was. We are now large enough to be of interest to spammers… Yay!

What should you do if a message looks suspicious?

Ignore it for a while, then if you are still curious, check the person’s profile page (there’s a link in the email). If their profile is BLANK, then we’ve already spotted them and removed them. All good. Move on.

If there is information on the profile page, then we haven’t deleted them (yet). Let us know that the contact was suspicious. You can forward your strange email to, or you can message Mark Cain through his Profile page.

We’ve put some more triggers in place so it will be harder to use our directory as a spamming system. There’s a good chance we’ll detect the odd behavior and have the account deleted soon.

So, if you really are unsure about a message, you can ignore it or wait a while for us to clean it up.


When you get a Contact message, check the profile and see where they are from. If they are in your area, it is more likely to be real. If they are far, far away, they probably are NOT interested in having coffee with you.

Don’t click on links that someone puts in their message. If it seems like a legitimate contact, look at their profile, reply, and then get to know them through some conversation.

Tickets on Sale! First UCA Conference: October 15-17, 2021

The UCA Board of Directors is beyond excited to announce that TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE for the first annual UCA Conference, October 15-17, 2021!

We are looking forward to finally coming together in beautiful Nashville, Tennessee, USA. While our first conference had to be postponed last year, the extra time has allowed us to build an even better event! You’re going to love the programming we’ve got in store, including great speakers from a variety of academic and denominational backgrounds, each with insightful and compelling presentations. There will be plenty of time to network and enjoy friends new and old. You’ll also get to meet our very own Mark Cain, host of the UCA Podcast and many of the wonderful guests he’s had on air! We can’t wait to see you there and to share in the truth of the one God and his human son, Jesus.

Space for this event is limited. We have a wonderful venue, but only 200 openings. It’s first come, first served, starting RIGHT NOW. Sign up right away to guarantee your spot!

Visit the Conference page to register for this awesome event.

We can’t wait to see you there!

Great Things to Come!

While the world continues to move through this season of uncertainty, you can be sure that we are also moving forward with our vision to promote the one God and bring people together!

We have so many great projects in the works for Fall 2020 and beyond that we just have to share a sneak peak of what’s to come!

Work is already underway on our second season of short videos.  The first season of UCA videos have reached and continue to reach thousands online with the message about God and his human son, Jesus.  The response to these videos has been terrific and we can’t wait to see what God will do in the coming days with season two.  You can check out season one here, and be sure to keep sharing!

We are also excited to reveal that the UCA’s publishing committee has been hard at work on several projects.  In fact, we currently have two books in the pipeline: the first is a scholarly work on the history of unitarian Christology, and the second is a classic unitarian apologetic—more details to come!

We also can’t wait for the forthcoming UCA Podcast!  On this show you’ll get to journey along with us as we explore theological, church, and social questions related to unitarian Christianity through insightful content and interviews with unitarian Christians from around the world.

Part of the UCA’s mission is to provide a platform for unitarian Christian ministries and churches.  In various ways we will also be featuring highlights from great content produced by members around the UCA community, including helpful resources for building faith and fellowship.  We are excited by the opportunity to promote and leverage the many efforts and talents of our diverse members and partners!

And this is only the beginning!

Thank you on behalf of the UCA Board of Directors for your continued support of this network and its mission.  Get ready!

UCA Conference 2020 Update

This year has certainly been one for the history books!

While we’ve all been looking forward to the first-ever UCA Conference this October, in light of ongoing public health concerns, international travel restrictions, and the imposition of state regulations on public events and interstate travel, we have decided to postpone the event until next October (2021).

While we are disappointed by this delay, we believe this is the right decision.  Beyond health and state restrictions, many are also suffering financially due to the economic downturn, making attendance even more difficult.  Postponing the conference until next year will give both public health, public policy, and the economy a chance to improve, allowing us all a better chance at a successful gathering.

Don’t worry: we will be working hard to preserve our exciting lineup of speakers and our terrific venue, and will be developing content throughout the year to make the first UCA Conference in 2021 even greater than before.

At this time we will be providing a full refund to those of you who have signed up for the conference.  If you would like to donate your fees to the UCA, please let us know before August 10th.  [email us here] If we do not hear from you before this date, we will automatically refund your ticket price to your account.

Of course, you don’t have to wait until next year to participate with the UCA network in its mission to spread the truth of the One God and to promote communities of faith.  Be on the lookout for new content, videos, interviews, publications, and more!  Despite the conference’s delay, we are excited about what God is doing in the world and in the body of Christ, and will be taking advantage of this season when so many are looking for truth.

We thank you all for your partnership in this mission, and can’t wait to see you in 2021!

In Christ,

The UCA Board of Directors