The UCA is pleased to offer conference partnerships, an opportunity for unitarian Christian churches, ecclesias, denominations, organizations, and ministries who would like to help us keep conference costs low for attendees. There are three levels of partnership available, with varying benefits:
- Bronze Partner (£250-499 donation)
- One conference admission.
- You have the option to use a roughly six-foot table with two chairs for the duration of the conference in a designated area. You may decorate this table and use it to interact with conference attendees, sell books, give away materials, etc. It is suggested but not required that at least one person be present at the table during session breaks.
- Silver Partner (£500-1999 donation)
- Bronze Partner benefits plus,
- Your logo printed on conference materials and conference-related blog posts at unitarianchristianalliance.org.
- You will be thanked for your support during the kickoff session at the start of the conference and during the closing session. The kickoff session will be recorded and posted online after the conference.
- Gold Partner (£2000+ donation) Bronze and Silver Partner benefits plus,
- A second conference admission, and
- 10 minutes in a plenary conference session in which you can introduce and promote your group.
You will be thanked for your support in all conference session audio or video productions.
- If you are interested in being a conference Partner, please email ukconference@unitarianchristianalliance.org.