Fundraising Success!

The UCA Board of Directors would like to extend a sincere THANK YOU to the many charitable people who supported the UCA’s fundraising initiative from last December-January. These donations, which exceeded our expectations, were generously matched by The Grace Fund, an equity foundation for unitarian Christian churches and ministries.

Each of your contributions have directly impacted the UCA’s ability to spread unitarian theology, support unitarian ministries, connect like-minded believers, and more. Be on the lookout for the new unitarian videos, publications, and public events which have been directly energized by your generosity. We have all been greatly encouraged and inspired by your vision and commitment to the cause!

Thank you again to The Grace Fund. We can’t wait to see how both the UCA and the Grace Fund continue to support the unitarian Christian movement in the years to come! If you’d like more information on how you can join the cause, please visit, and prayerfully consider becoming a UCA Partner with a donation of $10/month or greater (though even the smallest amount means so much).

Thank you again to everyone who has so generously supported this mission!