Group Directory

If there are groups in your area, they will be shown first by default in the directory listings below. Users who are not logged in have limited access to UCA group data. To create groups, view group profiles, and reach out to groups, you will need to join the UCA (it's free).
Group NameCityZipCountry
Followers of the Way-Felton NatsarimFelton, DE19943United States
baby mercy church of north hemisphereyonkers, NY10705United States
Restoration Fellowship NetworkCharleston, SC29461United States
Honor God's WordLeland, NC28451-4604United States
Arian ChristiansSalem, MA01970United States
Christadelphian Meeting House - Stoughton, MAStoughton, MA02072United States
Island Christian FellowshipPortsmouth, RI02871United States
Simply Christian Monotarian FellowshipPalm Bay, FL32909United States
Halifax, Nova Scotia Christadelphian EcclesiaBedfordB4A 3X5Canada
Reformer´s Adventist Church / Iglesia de los Reformadores AdventistasSarchí, Alajuela21201Costa Rica
Ministerio Viviendo La VerdadCumana6101Venezuela
Proparchians UnitedInternationalInternationalUnited Kingdom
UK ChristadelphiansEast BoldonNE360LUUnited Kingdom
Messianic Congregation of Our Father Yahweh (England)Prestonpr2 7bnUnited Kingdom
Swedish UnitariansStockholm13171Sweden
Christian NeotheismStockholm13171Sweden
Unitarians in FinlandHelsinki00100Finland
London Christian Unitarian AllianceLondonW2United Kingdom
Maidstone ChristadelphiansMaidstone, KYME15 8LHUnited Kingdom
Christliche Unitarier (Unitarian Christians Germany)Kiel, Siegburg, Ludwigshafen24Germany