Portland Christadelphians

Group Type


The Portland Christadelphian Ecclesia

We are a group of Bible students who meet together in Beaverton and live around the Portland area. We also meet over Zoom with families joining us from the US and Canada.

We share a common love for God and common hope in the fulfillment of His plan and purpose. We have these most important things in common. We are a lay community with no paid pastors or priests and instead all share the burdens and blessings of serving God. We believe that it is vitally important to personally read the Bible and think for ourselves. We rely on each other to help each of us in our walk as we grow in faith and understanding.

We meet together regularly to worship, encourage one another, and remember the death and resurrection of Jesus.

The Christadelphians are a world-wide religious body that has attempted to get back to the faith that was taught by Jesus and his apostles. We’re a community that is focused on rediscovering Bible truth – and on trying to live that truth by putting it into action in our families, in our congregations, and in our communities. We try to live lives of appreciation for God’s love toward us.

If you are looking for a church home, please consider checking us out.

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