Proparchians United

Group Type

What We Are About

We seek to act as a resource for “Proparchian Christians” or “Prouparchic-Monarchians”, that is, Non-Trinitarian Christians who believe Jesus Christ is the literal firstborn Son of God, who existed in Heaven before all other things, prior to his Earthly birth through Mary.

What We Believe

Our core uniting belief, is that Jesus had a beginning and came about by the Father YHWH (Yahweh/Yehovah), who alone is God Almighty, and that the Son is not co-eternal or co-equal to the Father, but is subordinate to Him.

Beyond this core statement, the method or means of Jesus’ “creation” or “birth”, is open to free scriptural interpretation, within the realms of Proparchianism.

We do not arrogantly hold to doctrinal totalitarianism, but rather holds to a more loving and “open” attitude, in the acceptance of the various theological interpretations and “mechanical” understandings of Jesus’ “nature”, considering the many scriptures that may support such various positions.

In this, we accept all variants, i.e; Homoiousion, Homoean, Anomoean, Semi-Arianism, and Angelism as legitimate and acceptable interpretations of scripture.

Whatever the intent and meaning of Jesus Christ’s teaching concerning his “Only-Begotten Sonship”, Proparchians United confesses it. And we believe that his Father is the one true and only God.

We are NOT a Church or Religious Organisation

It should be noted that this website IS NOT a religious organisation, church or denomination, but merely a free, non-denominationally based Christian resource and community, for those united in the Christology of “Proparchianism”.

Hence, this website nor its associates, neither endorses, nor promotes, nor attacks the various differences of other various doctrines that other brothers or sisters may have. Its focus primarily being the promotion and unification of Proparchic-Christianity.

We believe in the independent congregational autonomy of each Christian congregation and group, united under our one God, the Father, and our one Lord, Jesus Christ.

We are NOT “Followers of Arius“

Whilst our belief and variants of are commonly named "Arianism" after “Arius”, the historical figure in the early church who attempted to defend his position against the doctrine of the Trinity at the Council of Nicaea, we are not “followers of Arius”.

From an historical perspective, as our Christology and its variants can be shown to long predate Arius, we regard the term “Arianism” as anachronistic, but many of us may adopt use of it because in modern times it is a recognisable term which describes our general beliefs about Jesus Christ.

In this respect, Proparchians United has coined a new term for our shared beliefs; “Proüparchic-Monarchianism” (meaning Pre-Existence Monarchianism) or “Proparchianism” for short, to be inclusive of all believers in the pre-human existence of the Son, and of one God the Father, whether or not they call themselves “Arians” or something else.

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