Living Hope is one unitarian Christian ministry with both a global vision and the diligence to bring it to life. A network of biblical unitarian churches and home fellowships, LH has passionately pursued Christ’s mandate to make disciples of all nations through its teaching, missions, publishing, and church-planting programs.

One of the most significant aspects of Living Hope’s ministry is the wide variety of means by which it engages our world with the gospel, curating a range of educational content in the form of online classes, live-streams, recorded video series, podcasts, articles, and books (both in print and electronic).
From its headquarters in Latham, New York, USA, Pastor Sean Finnegan faithfully leads weekly church services, while large-scale community events welcome both LH members and also unitarian Christians from all backgrounds and denominations—countless families have been served by their annual Family Camp, Teen Camp, and Kingdom Fest (fantastic ways for unitarian groups and families to bond closer together and also to meet new like-minded believers!). LH also supports local fellowships in the U.S. (in the home and/or online), as well as global communities of unitarian Christian believers. Of special note is LH’s progress on the African continent. In the Congo, for example, LH directly supports local ministers and coordinates an educational program for children. Earlier this year, Living Hope was also able to send $145,000 over to Pastor Armel Ngo in Brazzaville, Congo to build a church (and he is almost ready to hold regular services).

Living Hope has also debuted a new logo featuring a dove–a symbol of their commitment to the experience of the gifts of the spirit and the hope that came to Noah after the flood. Their new website, the fruit of over two years of work, features a new environment for classes that keeps track of student progress, allows for short quizzes, and a discussion forum. It also features a new map feature. Users of the site make accounts and mark themselves either explorers or members (both free). Explorers don’t necessarily agree with Living Hope’s statement of faith, but still want to use the site. Members agree with our beliefs and have the option to put themselves on the map. Similar to the UCA map, the Living Hope map allows people to find people in their area and directly get in contact with them. Because of the greater amount of doctrinal agreement to put oneself on the map, users are more likely to find people compatible for fellowship.
To help empower individuals to evangelize and lead bible studies with their friends and neighbors, Living Hope has also recently developed Forge studies. These free leader guides require no preparation and walk a small group through a chapter of the bible, a doctrine, or an aspect of Christian living. LH’s goal is to make it possible for individuals to become small groups; small groups to become sustainable home fellowships; and home fellowship to become healthy thriving churches.
How can you get connected to the incredible work that LHIM is doing for the message of the one God and his human son? LH’s resources include the Living Hope Webcasts (live-streamed church services), Weekly Bible Teachings, free online classes on a variety of biblical topics—all of which can be delivered to you via email updates so you don’t miss out on new content.

If you’d like to meet some of the invaluable talent behind LH’s efforts, including Pastor Sean Finnegan, stop by their booth at the UCA Conference.
A tremendous Thank You to Living Hope for both partnering with the UCA’s 2023 Conference and for standing alongside the UCA and its members to share the unitarian Christian message far and wide!