Save the date: UCA Conference 2024!

Conference Preview Video

The UCA Board is pleased to announce that our fourth annual conference will be at the Vines Center in Little Rock, Arkansas, October 17-20, 2024! Registration will open in the coming weeks!

The conference will be all inclusive (connect, eat, sleep, repeat!) so show up Thursday afternoon, October 17, 2024, and settle in for the teaching, networking, and fellowship, till checkout after breakfast Sunday morning, October 20.

The venue has great meeting spaces; look at the comfy seats in the auditorium and the breakout rooms for workshops!

Sleeping accommodations are onsite: choose at registration for single occupancy, double, or triple if you want to save some money and room with new or old friends!

Their food gets rave reviews: 3 square meals a day, plus cinnamon rolls for brunch, popcorn for mid afternoons, and 24 hour beverage service if you need some caffeine to keep focused. (Post-conference diet plan not included.)

There will be plenty of room to relax and fellowship. I can’t decide if I want dibs on the firepit by the lake or the comfy couches more.

Their grounds are beautiful, quiet, and should probably have some fall colors.

The trip from the Little Rock airport to the conference center is about 30 minutes; we’re looking into shuttle ideas – stay tuned . . .

Last year, attendees had the opportunity to attend church on Sunday at one of the unitarian Christian groups in the area. It was a positive experience for many, and it will be an option again this year.

Watch this space for coming announcements about submitting a scholarly paper or an idea for a practical workshop to be considered for inclusion in the program.

Registration will be announced here, and also via the UCA Facebook Group, so stay tuned!

We can’t wait to see you there!

Sean Finnegan – The Deity of Christ from a Greco-Roman Perspective

In a paper presentation at the 2023 UCA Conference, Pastor Sean Finnegan addresses the deity of Christ within a Greco-Roman worldview. When early Christian authors called Jesus “god” (or “God”) what did they mean? Did early Christians think Jesus was God because he represented Yahweh? Did they think he was God because he shared the same eternal being as the Father? Did they think he was a god because that’s just what they would call any immortalized human who lived in heaven? In this presentation Finnegan focuses on the question from the perspective of Greco-Roman theologies. Drawing on the work of David Litwa, Andrew Perriman, Barry Blackburn, and tons of ancient sources he shows how Mediterranean converts to Christianity would have perceived Jesus based on their cultural and religious assumptions.

See more presentations from the 2023 UCA Conference.

10 Ways to Kill Unitarian Christianity

Unitarianism had been very popular in the United States of America. In fact, a number of presidents were themselves unitarian Christians. What happened? How did Unitarianism implode? As the UCA continues grow in numbers and influence, Unitarianism is once again on the rise. How can we avoid making the same mistakes our American forbearers made? Join Dr. Dale Tuggy, as he warns of ten ways to kill unitarian Christianity.

See more presentations from the 2023 UCA Conference.

Christian Centered Counseling

Christian Centered Counseling (CCC) is a team of online counselors who believe that the Bible offers the guidance we need for our lives, including the solutions to our problems. Life is hard and there are times when we all need a little help. Counselors come alongside those struggling to help them through the difficulties of life. CCC believes those seeking counseling can find freedom and healing so that they can grow in sanctification.

Counseling is bible-based, spirit-led, 100% online, and confidential. Furthermore, CCC is a biblical unitarian organization, which means their counselors understand and sympathize with the exclusion and persecution unique to those who believe the Father alone is God and Jesus is his human Messiah.

Don’t suffer in silence. Get a loving, external perspective. Reach out to Christian Centered Counseling today. Visit their website at or email them at and begin your journey of healing and wholeness.

Williamsburg Christadelphian Foundation

The UCA is delighted to again have the Williamsburg Christadelphian Foundation as a Conference Partner. They state that their mission is to help “individuals and families grow their faith in God and His Son. . . We help nurture trust in God and Jesus that endures through all the ups and downs of life. WCF sponsors programs and special initiatives around the world that:

  • Root faith in the word of God, learning from the faith lessons of faithful people in the Bible
  • Nurture faith by supplying tools that spur a whole faith to develop – one of head, heart and hands.
  • Inspire stronger growth by connecting people of faith, fostering a spirit that edifies all.
  • Show faith to others by enabling generous service for Christ.”

You’ll want to explore their podcasts and videos. Music is another aspect of their work, from original recordings of hymns to Spotify playlists. Their Newcomers Program gives vital aid to immigrants, and their White Fields mission initiative has placed “over 180 volunteers in 20 countries on 5 continents.”

Be sure to stop by the WCF table at the conference to find out more about how this amazing organization is serving as salt and light in this broken world.

Extracurriculars at the 2023 UCA Conference

There’s more in store than just the workshops, meals, and excellent presentations!

Pre-party at “The Abbey”

Arrive early and drop in at “The Abbey” for the UCA Pre-party, Oct. 19, noon to 5pm. It’s just up the road, so stop in for refreshments, and visiting. Alan Cain shows you around in the video below!

UCA Pre-party Video

Evening Visits

Gather with others after the evening meeting (ending around 8:30). There are restaurants, a brewery downtown, and plenty of space to just hang out and get to know others. If you are a young adult, hang out after the evening session on Thursday and Friday nights for a dedicated time together of encouragement and new friendships.


There is also a baptistry available Saturday lunch for any who want to use it.

Local Attractions

Come early or stay later and take in some local attractions, including the National Museum of the United States Air Force, Cedar Bog Nature Preserve, and more (listed on the Conference page).

See you there!

Allegiance to the King

Allegiance to the King (A2K) is once again a UCA Conference Partner. A2K continues their work to connect and fellowship with people far and wide, building faithful followers of our King. 

A2K has two missions:

  1. To promote faithfulness and allegiance to our Lord Jesus and our Father God.
  2. To grow the number of unitarian churches worldwide.

To serve isolated unitarian Christians, A2K has built an online unitarian church called Christian Virtual Fellowship (CVF) which has proven to be a significant blessing to many. Connecting over the internet can be difficult, but A2K has worked diligently to learn and grow through the process, achieving a successful model with members from all over the world. When Christians come to a unitarian view of God through online resources such as the UCA, they often find that there are no local unitarian churches for them to connect to. Christian Virtual Fellowship provides a church home for these isolated brothers and sisters.

A2K also works to both plant and grow local churches including actively supporting the planting and growth of other unitarian ministries’ churches. 

With a host of great teachers, A2K produces many teaching resources and makes them available online. Check out their website ( to peruse the hundreds of videos they have published on topics from Christian living, teachings on our God and his Messiah, and on the Kingdom of God.

Thanks to A2K for participating and supporting this conference. We are blessed to work alongside you.

Church of God General Conference

Helping Churches. Spreading truth.

Founded in 1921, the Church of God General Conference (COGGC) is a denomination of churches active in North America, Central America, South America, the Caribbean, Asia, and Africa. Their largest concentrations of churches are in Mozambique (400), Malawi (100), and the United States (80). COGGC provides resources and support to pastors, churches, youth, missions, and the Atlanta Bible College. For more than a century now, they have provided a stable and experienced platform to help individuals and churches spread the truth about the kingdom gospel and the name of Jesus Christ.


The Church of God (COG) provides pastoral education and training through the Atlanta Bible College. Once prospective ministers graduate, they participate in a hands-on internship program, serving at a local church. Next they apply for licensing, which involves a comprehensive process that takes into account the applicant’s personal history, doctrinal beliefs, references, and the recommendation of their mentor. Once getting a license and finding a church to serve in, pastors are encouraged to join the annual ministers’ conference, the monthly prayer group via Zoom, and the Facebook group for mutual encouragement. Lastly, the ministerial leadership team provides a “pastor’s pastor” to provide individual confidential counseling.


Over more than a century of ministry, the COG has always and continues to provide a wide range of resources to member churches. These include low-interest loans, funding for building projects, church health surveys, and free background checks for volunteers. Churches also benefit from literary resources, including biblical articles (Restitution Herald), ministry updates (Progress Journal), Sunday school lessons (Adult Quarterly), evangelism tracts, as well as several in-house published books. Additionally, churches can participate in a wide range of events, including Christian Workers’ Seminar, FUEL, and General Conference. Also, the COG keeps track of the history of their churches and noteworthy individuals over the years through maintaining archives, holding the annual Heritage Conference, and publishing a biographical encyclopedia.


The most exciting week of the year for youth in the COG is FUEL. Held at Manchester University in Indiana, FUEL is a high-energy event with 200 teens and youth workers. Campers participate in sermons, classes, worship, sports, and lots of other activities. Counselors meet with the youth a couple of times each day to develop relationships and mentor them. In the fall and winter, youth can attend reFUEL and the Young Adult Getaway. Additionally, the Atlanta Bible College invites high-school students to stay on campus and attended classes during their annual invitational.


The missionary agency of the COGGC is called Lord’s Harvest International (LHI). The organization supports churches and individuals in ten countries around the world. Some of these are war-torn, others are afflicted with chronic governmental corruption, and still others have oppressive policies towards biblical Christianity. LHI sends missionaries on short-term trips, provides resources to build churches, helps with humanitarian support, and supplies translated literary resources, including Bibles, books, and tracts. For more information about LHI, visit

Atlanta Bible College

Currently there are two campuses in Georgia: (1) at McDonough the main building serves as the hub for English-speaking in-person and online instruction, (2) at Johns Creek the Korean extension provides classes in the Korean language. The goal is both to train future pastors as well as educate anyone who wants to know more about the Bible and Christianity. Students can earn a one year foundation certificate, an Associate’s degree, and/or a Bachelor’s degree with focuses in Bible, theology, or missions. Apply online or check out the fall semester schedule.

If you would like to learn more about the Church of God General Conference, visit them at You can sign up to receive the Restitution Herald either digitally or in the mail for free. If you would like to donate to the work they are doing, you can that here.

Personal Note

I would be remiss if I didn’t include a note about how much the COG has benefited me personally. Although I’m part of an independent ministry, I have benefited immensely from attending COG events, graduating from their Bible college, and associating with their pastors. The organization strikes the balance between providing support to those both inside and outside the denomination without controlling individuals or groups. The executive director, Seth Ross, is a competent leader who genuinely seeks to serve God courageously and authentically. I’m excited to see what the Church of God does now that they have begun their second century of ministry!

Unitarian Torch


The Unitarian Torch is the internet’s best place to learn about Hungarian Unitarian Christianity, a group that has survived repeated persecutions since it was founded in 1568 by Ferenc Dávid. He founded it as a restoration of the pure Christianity of Jesus. Surviving mainly in Transylvania, Romania, these Christians have preserved a rich legacy of unitarian sermons and orders of services, hymns, and stories.

The Unitarian Torch website represents Dr. Robert Kokenyesi’s effort to bring this unique group of Christians to the English-speaking world.

The Unitarian Torch’s three main objectives

  1. to serve the English-speaking Hungarian and Transylvanian diaspora by providing them with sermons translated into English
  2. to serve the English-speaking unitarian community by providing them with inspiration by making available orders of services as well as children’s literature (stories)
  3. to raise awareness about the uniqueness of the Transylvania Unitarian Church by explaining the organization of the church, holidays, and other hard-to-come-by aspects of the church

Dr. Kokenyesi is inspired by the example of Hungarian unitarianism’s survival amidst 450 years of enormous religious, economic, and political persecution. He hopes that by bringing this wealth of literature into the English language, many others will learn about this courageous group and likewise find inspiration and illumination.

Spirit & Truth

The UCA is delighted to again have Spirit & Truth as a Conference Partner.

Spirit & Truth provides Virtual Fellowships on Zoom multiple days each week. If you’re not part of a local congregation, consider attending one of their online fellowships, where you will meet fellow believers who want to pray, hear the Bible taught, and follow Christ together.

Spirit & Truth also produces invaluable resources for Bible study, Christian education, and spiritual growth. They have hundreds of teaching videos on the Biblical Unitarian YouTube Channel and Spirit & Truth YouTube Channel, as well as audio teachings on the Spirit & Truth Podcast and the Words of Wisdom Podcast.

One of their best resources is the Revised English Version (REV) Bible, a whole Bible translation that has been an ongoing project for over 20 years now. In addition to the translations, this project has produced an incredible amount of insightful commentary that particularly addresses difficult passages and traditionally misunderstood ones. The REV translation promotes important theological truths, such as belief in the Father as the one God, Jesus as God’s human Son and Messiah, the sleep of the dead, and the kingdom of God. Both the REV translation and the associated commentary can be viewed online or in the app. Check it out and try using the REV alongside other versions to further support your Bible study and enjoyment of the Scriptures.

I first encountered Spirit & Truth via their content-rich, long-running website I returned to this site often as I wrestled with disentangling my understanding of Scripture from the distortions of later church traditions. They popularized the helpful term “biblical unitarian” to convey the understanding that God is the Father alone, and that his unique Son Jesus is a man who did not literally pre-exist as a spirit or a “divine Person” before being miraculous conceived and born.

They have recently launched Spirit & Truth Kids, whose goal is to provide children’s books, curricula for parents to teach the Bible to their kids, and Christian resources for children, including coloring books, recommended TV shows, and much more. The first volumes of two different book series have been released, with a third series to be released in early 2024. Each series will see new volumes regularly released over the next couple of years. The two available now are Faith Lessons for Little Ones: Volume 1 and Oliver’s Tales: Seeking Wisdom. Click on a link to check them out. If you know anyone who has kids and would enjoy reading a children’s book from a trusted source where they won’t have to avoid certain sections or re-word sentences that contain errors from church tradition, send them the link and let them know about the Spirit & Truth Kids initiative.

Be sure to stop by the Spirit & Truth table to get to know them and to find out more about what they’re doing.