Allegiance to the King

Allegiance to the King (A2K) is once again a UCA Conference Partner. A2K continues their work to connect and fellowship with people far and wide, building faithful followers of our King. 

A2K has two missions:

  1. To promote faithfulness and allegiance to our Lord Jesus and our Father God.
  2. To grow the number of unitarian churches worldwide.

To serve isolated unitarian Christians, A2K has built an online unitarian church called Christian Virtual Fellowship (CVF) which has proven to be a significant blessing to many. Connecting over the internet can be difficult, but A2K has worked diligently to learn and grow through the process, achieving a successful model with members from all over the world. When Christians come to a unitarian view of God through online resources such as the UCA, they often find that there are no local unitarian churches for them to connect to. Christian Virtual Fellowship provides a church home for these isolated brothers and sisters.

A2K also works to both plant and grow local churches including actively supporting the planting and growth of other unitarian ministries’ churches. 

With a host of great teachers, A2K produces many teaching resources and makes them available online. Check out their website ( to peruse the hundreds of videos they have published on topics from Christian living, teachings on our God and his Messiah, and on the Kingdom of God.

Thanks to A2K for participating and supporting this conference. We are blessed to work alongside you.

Allegiance to the King

Allegiance to the King is once again a UCA Conference Partner. A2K continues their work to connect and fellowship with people far and wide, building faithful followers of our King.

For isolated unitarian Christians, their Christian Virtual Fellowship has proven to be a significant blessing. Connecting over the internet can be difficult, but A2K has worked diligently to learn and grow through the process. They have a successful model. A2K has helped put together a workshop for this conference called “How to Create and Lead an Online Fellowship.” If you are coming to the conference and looking to benefit from the lessons learned by those who have gone before you, this workshop is for you.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Edgardo Gavino (54. This Fire in Me) from the Philippines on the UCA podcast this last May, 2022. The ministry that is taking place there is amazing, as is God’s utilization of the humble, supportive, and encouraging people of A2K who work with Edgardo.

A2K produces many teaching resources and makes them available online. Check out their website ( to peruse the hundreds of videos they have published on topics from Christian living, teachings on our God and his Messiah, and on the Kingdom of God.

Thanks to A2K for participating and supporting this conference. We are blessed to work alongside you.