Testing the RSS

This is just a little test of the RSS feed. Will it send, or will it not send – that is the question.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse faucibus aliquam quam a rhoncus. Ut interdum metus finibus aliquam convallis. Donec eget tristique ipsum. Sed eros est, porta sit amet massa a, tristique pellentesque nunc. Ut ligula orci, pulvinar sed tristique vestibulum, euismod eget tellus. Maecenas posuere dui ac sem maximus, vel tempus nibh mollis. Nam sed ante urna. Quisque aliquet metus vitae libero pellentesque convallis. Quisque sed nunc tristique, vulputate tellus at, bibendum nisl. Aliquam sit amet velit a ligula eleifend dignissim.

Sed euismod, eros quis dignissim sagittis, ex ipsum blandit turpis, et dictum augue justo at urna. Mauris aliquet lectus eu condimentum vehicula. In volutpat, magna eget fringilla faucibus, nibh dolor placerat libero, vitae imperdiet sapien lacus nec enim. Maecenas interdum neque aliquet lacus scelerisque, at laoreet nulla venenatis. Sed pretium a nisi quis porttitor. Nunc ligula mauris, posuere vitae nibh vitae, fermentum tincidunt quam. Ut ultrices lectus eget molestie euismod. Etiam quis egestas sem. Suspendisse nec ex magna. Maecenas vel dictum nulla. Curabitur convallis pharetra neque, a pellentesque quam dapibus et.

The Blog to Test All Blogs

Dale discusses this inconsistent triad of claims. It seems that a thinking Christian ought to deny one of these claims.

  1. The New Testament gospels agree in their core claims about Jesus and God.
  2. Matthew, Mark, and Luke don’t teach that the pre-human Jesus voluntarily assumed a complete human nature in order to save us.
  3. John teaches that the pre-human Jesus voluntarily assumed a complete human nature in order to save us.

Which do you deny, and why?

Of interest here is the footer and links.

Test Blog Story

This is why sophisticated contemporary proponents of kenosis theory like Stephen T. Davis simply deny that God is immutable in the classical sense. In their view, God can and does change – not in his character, but in some of his other features. In patristic times, they would have dismissed this out of hand, but I think theists are on strong grounds to think that God changes in some respects. Any real response, any free action on God’s part, is going to involve him changing, is it not? e.g. His creating the cosmos from nothing. To many reflective Christians, trinitarian and unitarian, divine immutability seems dispensable.

Another Test

We were thrilled that the event featured representation from so many different unitarian denominations, organizations, and churches, including the Church of God General Conference, Spirit and Truth Fellowship, Christian Disciples Church, Living Hope International, CenterPointe Church, Living Faith Church, and many more.  Some individual attendees we met had never had the opportunity to fellowship and worship with fellow unitarians, and expressed how much the event meant to them and their faith.  And that sort of testimony is precisely why we are so excited about the work of the Unitarian Christian Alliance.

In light of the Converge event’s mission to bring unitarians together, we could think of no better place to introduce people to the UCA. And at our booth in the exhibition hall, we had the chance to speak to dozens of Christians about the organization and the opportunity it provides unitarian believers and groups to network, form communities, and promote biblical theology.  Needless to say, excitement was in the air and we were thrilled to help many of the attendees sign up right there at the booth!

Cain Tests Posts

This is going to be a blast. Let’s put some stuff in here so it is at least interesting to look at.

This is scary looking. But if you lived in the 20s, that was your energy drinks and your shoe fitting technique. My how things have changed.

The Future is Now

If the future is now, it is autonomously deterministic.

  • Don’t get ahead of yourself.
  • May the road rise up, remain the same, or drop away from you.
  • Like sands through the hourglass, these are the instant of our lives.

Curious how that mp3 link will turn out inside the email.

Thanks for reading this far.

Just a Test

Last month, the UCA Board of Directors had the pleasure of attending the CONVERGE event in northeastern Ohio, where several hundred unitarian Christians gathered from around the world to celebrate the one God.  It was an absolute joy to fellowship with so many like-minded believers. Good food, great music, and top-notch speakers likewise made this an unforgettable weekend!

We were thrilled that the event featured representation from so many different unitarian denominations, organizations, and churches, including the Church of God General Conference, Spirit and Truth Fellowship, Christian Disciples Church, Living Hope International, CenterPointe Church, Living Faith Church, and many more.  Some individual attendees we met had never had the opportunity to fellowship and worship with fellow unitarians, and expressed how much the event meant to them and their faith.  And that sort of testimony is precisely why we are so excited about the work of the Unitarian Christian Alliance.

In light of the Converge event’s mission to bring unitarians together, we could think of no better place to introduce people to the UCA. And at our booth in the exhibition hall, we had the chance to speak to dozens of Christians about the organization and the opportunity it provides unitarian believers and groups to network, form communities, and promote biblical theology.  Needless to say, excitement was in the air and we were thrilled to help many of the attendees sign up right there at the booth!

Did you or your group have the chance to attend Converge?  Are you interested in meeting with other unitarian Christians for fellowship and study?  Be on the lookout for announcements from the UCA about new opportunities to do just that.

Many blessings!

The UCA Board of Directors


Last month, the UCA Board of Directors had the pleasure of attending the CONVERGE event in northeastern Ohio, where several hundred unitarian Christians gathered from around the world to celebrate the one God.  It was an absolute joy to fellowship with so many like-minded believers. Good food, great music, and top-notch speakers likewise made this an unforgettable weekend!

We were thrilled that the event featured representation from so many different unitarian denominations, organizations, and churches, including the Church of God General Conference, Spirit and Truth Fellowship, Christian Disciples Church, Living Hope International, CenterPointe Church, Living Faith Church, and many more.  Some individual attendees we met had never had the opportunity to fellowship and worship with fellow unitarians, and expressed how much the event meant to them and their faith.  And that sort of testimony is precisely why we are so excited about the work of the Unitarian Christian Alliance.

In light of the Converge event’s mission to bring unitarians together, we could think of no better place to introduce people to the UCA. And at our booth in the exhibition hall, we had the chance to speak to dozens of Christians about the organization and the opportunity it provides unitarian believers and groups to network, form communities, and promote biblical theology.  Needless to say, excitement was in the air and we were thrilled to help many of the attendees sign up right there at the booth!

Did you or your group have the chance to attend Converge?  Are you interested in meeting with other unitarian Christians for fellowship and study?  Be on the lookout for announcements from the UCA about new opportunities to do just that.

Many blessings!

The UCA Board of Directors

Introducing the UCA!

It’s August 1st, 2019… And that means we’ve finally arrived at the soft-launch of the Unitarian Christian Alliance!

So what is the UCA and what does it do?

The Unitarian Christian Alliance is a brand new parachurch organization that seeks to promote unitarian theology and the building of like-minded communities of faith by facilitating an active network of unitarian churches, groups, and individuals, and by providing top-notch tools and resources to help advance the truth about the one God. Head on over to our page “What is the UCA?” to begin learning how the organization is working to making a difference in our world, and how YOU can be a part of it. After that, we hope you’ll hit the “Join” link in the top menu, and decide to add your name to our worldwide directory of unitarian Christians. Starting today, registration for (free) Membership accounts is open to the public!

Check back for announcements, feature updates, and new Member’s content. And don’t forget to Join! Trust us, you don’t want to miss out on what’s in store!

— The UCA Board of Directors