Q: What is ‘unitarian’ theology?

A unitarian theology is any theology in which the One God is the Father alone.  UCA Members do not hold to the catholic “doctrine of the Trinity,” the idea that the one God is tri-personal, or to so-called “Oneness” (modalist) doctrines, but believe the Bible teaches that only the Father is the Most High God.  For more, see the UCA Affirmation.

Q: What do UCA members think about Jesus?

UCA members all believe that Jesus is a human being, and is distinct from and subordinate to the One God.  He is the Messiah, the King of Israel, who God raised from the dead and exalted to his right hand. UCA members may hold to a variety of opinions about Jesus’ “pre-existence”; some may say he had his origins in the womb of his mother Mary, like other human beings, while others may say he first existed in some other form before his birth, but all agree that Jesus was, and still is, a genuine human being.  For more, see the UCA Affirmation.

Q: Is the UCA a denomination?

No.  The UCA is a network of individuals and organizations with a variety of backgrounds, organizational alignments, and beliefs.  See our About section for more.

Q: Are you Unitarian Universalists?

No.  Unitarian Christians are not to be confused with “Unitarian Universalists,” who are a non-Christian religion.  Members of the UCA are committed Christians who hold to the Scriptures as their standard for Christian faith and life.

Q: Are you Jehovah’s Witnesses?

The UCA is not affiliated with the Jehovah’s Witnesses.  While individual members and ex-members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses are welcome to join the UCA (if they agree with the UCA Affirmation), the UCA has no connection with that organization.

Q: Is it free to join the UCA?

Yes, basic membership is free, but there are many reasons why you should join as a Contributing or Sustaining Member.  See our Join page for more details.

Q: Some UCA members promote certain doctrines I strongly disagree with; why should I join?

The UCA exists to promote unitarian theology and to encourage and connect all Christians who agree with the UCA Affirmation. Because of this focused mission, the UCA has only one criterion for membership: agreement with the UCA Affirmation. Individuals should read the profiles of other individuals or groups to determine if they would be comfortable fellowshipping with them. This is why we recommend that members and groups describe themselves clearly in their profiles. By becoming a UCA member, you are not endorsing any other members’ individual or group beliefs. Rather, you are standing alongside of other Christians in order to promote unitarian theology and the building of like-minded communities.

Q: Are donations tax-deductible?

The UCA is a 501 (c) (3) organization operating in the United States. Donations are tax-deductible in the United States, but please check your local laws and tax regulations in your area.  Donations are thankfully welcomed here.