The Unitarian Torch is the internet’s best place to learn about Hungarian Unitarian Christianity, a group that has survived repeated persecutions since it was founded in 1568 by Ferenc Dávid. He founded it as a restoration of the pure Christianity of Jesus. Surviving mainly in Transylvania, Romania, these Christians have preserved a rich legacy of unitarian sermons and orders of services, hymns, and stories.

The Unitarian Torch website represents Dr. Robert Kokenyesi’s effort to bring this unique group of Christians to the English-speaking world.

The Unitarian Torch’s three main objectives
- to serve the English-speaking Hungarian and Transylvanian diaspora by providing them with sermons translated into English
- to serve the English-speaking unitarian community by providing them with inspiration by making available orders of services as well as children’s literature (stories)
- to raise awareness about the uniqueness of the Transylvania Unitarian Church by explaining the organization of the church, holidays, and other hard-to-come-by aspects of the church
Dr. Kokenyesi is inspired by the example of Hungarian unitarianism’s survival amidst 450 years of enormous religious, economic, and political persecution. He hopes that by bringing this wealth of literature into the English language, many others will learn about this courageous group and likewise find inspiration and illumination.